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An Explanation of the importance of listening to God's Voice for yourself

Life in the Spirit

Copyright © 2013 Association for the New Revelation of Truth

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"And listen in the spirit, that My power within you will grow strong, and that you will prosper; for prosperity is the natural result of life in the spirit on earth, and success in your endeavors comes from knowing Me and My voice, and happiness from freedom from guilt and fear."

Messages 15: 11, Book of the New Revelation.


Prosperity, success, happiness ... it is doubtful that any other three words might more fully describe the desires of mankind, for in these words we find what everyone craves: Prosperity, so that we can have and give to our families and loved ones all the things we need and desire; success, which brings prosperity, but brings also pride and self-esteem; and happiness, the joy of living and loving.


In the passage above, God has given us succinct instructions for how to achieve these goals... that if we learn to listen in the spirit for His voice, and come to recognize and know Him, then these things will naturally follow and be ours.


But what are these words we keep seeing, these phrases that appear repeatedly throughout the New Revelation of Truth: "listen in the spirit," "life in the spirit," "hear in the spirit"? What do these things mean? For that matter, what is the spirit, and where do we find it? How do we get "into the spirit"?


The answers to these and other questions we'll be asking can be found in the Book of the New Revelation of Truth, so let's take them one at a time and see what we find.


I. What is the spirit?


The answer to this question is found in the Book of Origins, the first book in the Book of the New Revelation. This book describes how God was once alone in all existence, and created the universe by taking tiny particles of Himself, bits of energy that made up the Spirit that was God, and using these particles as a framework or matrix upon which He made the smallest particles of matter. (Origins 1: 6 And God divided Himself again into an infinite number of parts, and each part was of God's Spirit. And each part became a matrix from which God created matter. The smallest particle is built on a framework of Spirit, for this is the way everything was created.)

All of these tiny particles, which number so high in count that it is doubtful we humans could conceive of a value so large, God gathered into various places, and they became what we see and know: stars, planets, and everything thereon. (Origins 1:7 And God gathered matter into diverse places in the Universe. and the matter became stones and gases and waters and everything that exists within the Universe and the matter became worlds and stars and nebulae and galaxies.)


Other parts of His Spirit, God made into life, by combining the particles of Spirit and matter, bonding them together so that the energy of spirit gave its matter a new attribute: Life. Living matter began as the tiniest organisms, and evolved into higher forms. (Origins 1:8-9 And God said, "I will create life of My Spirit and place it in matter to gain further experience. " God divided Himself again into infinite parts, and each part He made a living thing, of every kind, and each kind reproduced, and began to evolve. And God observed life, and saw that it was a good thing. And God said, "Because all life is of My Spirit, and each spirit gives life to its matter for a time, then all life is precious to Me. My Spirit cannot end, nor will the spirits of living things end when the matter they quicken succumbs to age or illness or injury and dies, but all spirit will return to Me at the appointed time.")


And when life was flourishing on the earth, God decided to bring something new into the equation: intelligence. And so God caused man to evolve, and gave us the ability to reason, and to be aware of Him so that we could begin to grow and evolve spiritually towards equality with Him. (Origins I :12-13 And God said, "I will bring forth an intelligent creature which shall be aware of Me, and of My Spirit, and place it in dominion over the earth." And God caused Man to evolve, and directed His Spirit within Man to construct itself as Man's spirit and to reveal to Man the Truth of God.


and 2: 1 0-11 And in the flesh shall the spirit of Man learn and grow, that he might after his flesh is gone move to another place and learn further, that in time Man may become My Equal. But if he does not learn what he must learn, then let him return to the flesh again, until he has learned. For though Man came from Me, I made him without memory of Me or of any experience, that he might grow and evolve and add to My knowledge, and he must learn those things that are necessary for him to progress toward equality with Me, which is to love all life, and to use wisely My Power.)


Your spirit, then, is that tiny piece of the awesome Spirit that is God, Himself, and is the part of you that gives you life in the flesh... the way a battery provides power for a device or a toy. It is found in every atom, cell and fiber of your physical being. (Questions 3:4 God answered, "Say to them, 'Your spirit is the life of your flesh, and is in every part, every cell, and is in every breath and heartbeat. The spirit is the energy of life, for it is of My Spirit,’ ")


2. What does the spirit do?


First, as we've seen, you spirit is the power source of your life in the flesh, but it is far more than just that, so let's examine its other purposes.

Second, your spirit is what makes you immortal; it is the very essence of you, your self-aware intelligence, and continues to exist as the person you are when your body has worn out and died. (Origins 2:9 And Man, because he is spirit, is an eternal creature, and shall not cease to live upon the death of his flesh. The spirit of Man, which is My Spirit, shall live, and shall learn.)


Third, your spirit is a part of God, so that He is always with us, in the most real sense possible, and because of this, we are in constant communication with God. (Origins 3:5-6 For God communicates with Man in the spirit, but Man speaks to Man in the flesh.)


Man knew of God, for he had God's Spirit within him, and God could communicate with him through the spirit. (Origins 4: 10 And Pel listened in his spirit, that communed with God for it was of God, and he spoke with wisdom and compassion.

and 5:3 Therefore now will I speak to those who will hear Me, and will bless them that they may prosper and tell others of Me, that I am not a God of laws or fear, but a God of love, and of Spirit.)


Fourth, your spirit is the conduit by which your prayers are heard, and the author of their answers. When you pray, whether consciously, or just in random or desperate thought, it is in the spirit that God hears then, and it is the power of God in your spirit that calls the answer. (Questions I:33 And God said, "Every thought of Man is heard by his spirit which is My Spirit, and is known to Me. Therefore, a man's thoughts of his needs and desires are his prayers. But miracles and answers to prayer come from his spirit, which has My Power. In this way did the great men of old do their wonders; in this way did Moses visit plagues on the Egyptians, and part the Red Sea, by the power of his spirit, Which is My Power.)


Fifth, and most important—especially in our earthly lives—your spirit is the receiver of God's communications with us, to teach us, guide us, comfort us and love us. (Origins 3:6 Man knew of God, for he had God's Spirit within him, and God could communicate with him through the spirit.

and 4:10-14 And Pel listened in his spirit, that communed with God for it was of God, and he spoke with wisdom and compassion. And in time, the men of Pel's tribes began to listen more to Pel than to their own spirits, and Pel was proud to speak for God. Pel spoke wisely and took care to listen to his spirit, and to be honest with all his fellows. Pel was revered for his wisdom, and in time it came to pass that the men of his tribes began to seek his counsel on many matters, and the people became accustomed to doing as Pel told them to do, and the tribes grew and prospered. And God said, "It is good that the tribe seek the counsel of the wise." And God through the spirit told Pel to speak God's words to the people, and Pel said, "This is the word of God: It is good to seek the counsel of the wise among you, but do not forget that each of you has My Spirit, and through your spirit can commune with God. Talk together, and commune with Me together, that I may lead you as you learn and grow on the earth. "


and 5:3 Therefore now will I speak to those who will hear Me, and will bless them that they may prosper and tell others of Me, that I am not a God of laws or fear, but a God of love, and of Spirit.


and 6:2-3 And as he grew to manhood, he heard God in his spirit, and knew that God sought to commune with men, and to restore Man. When he was a child, his tribe often marveled at his wisdom and his compassion, and he would speak of the things he heard in his spirit.)


And sixth, last but far from least, your spirit is the part of you that possesses God's own power, by which your prayers are answered, and which you can learn to use to give you your greatest desires, to meet your own needs and those of others, and even to do great works and miracles, such as healing. (Origins 1 :20-21 And because of these things, Man alone on earth is capable of recognizing God's Spirit within himself, and using the Power of God, which is present in Man's spirit. For the spirit of a man is a piece of the Spirit of God, and has the Power of God.;


and Questions I :33-34 And God said, "Every thought of Man is heard by his spirit which is My Spirit, and is known to Me. Therefore, a man's thoughts of his needs and desires are his prayers. But miracles and answers to prayer come from his spirit, which has My Power. In this way did the great men of old do their wonders; in this way did Moses visit plagues on the Egyptians, and part the Red Sea, by the power of his spirit, Which is My Power. "And in the same way did Jesus heal the lame, the sick and the blind, turn the water into wine, and walk on the water, and do many other signs and wonders."


and Messages 9:3 This they do, without teaching Truth, that miracles are done by the spirit within Man, which is My Spirit.)


Your spirit is a living, eternal part of God, by which He gave you life, both in the flesh and eternally, and through which you can have full, rich, two-way communication with Him. Through your spirit, every thought that you have is heard by God, and when you go into a quiet place, and become still, you can hear God's voice, as well. And when you have learned to listen, and come to know that God answers your prayers through your own spirit, which has all of His Power at its command, then your spirit gives you that power to meet your needs and desires, to heal, to do miracles ... just as God's people have done throughout history, in every-nation, in every religion, in every culture.


3. How do we learn to live in the spirit?


First, you must learn to "listen in the spirit." This means that you have to learn how to "hear" what God says to you through your spirit, and understand Him. Note that the word "hear" is in quotes; this is because hearing in the spirit is quite different from hearing with your ears.


To hear God in the spirit, go into a quiet place ... a bedroom, a wooded glade, a chapel, anywhere that is quiet and peaceful. Now, sit comfortably, or lie down, and allow your mind to empty itself. As far as possible, make your mind empty of conscious thought.


And just listen to the thoughts that appear.


You will notice that random ideas will float through your uncluttered mind, some of which may seem irrelevant, or even irreverent. Just relax, and continue to listen quietly, in your thoughts, invite God to speak to you, and just let the random thoughts continue.


Shortly, there will be a different thought that crosses your mind, something that will catch your attention. It may have bearing on some problem in your life, or be about someone you care for, or it may only be a feeling of peace or of love, or of well-being.


This is God, speaking in your spirit, and most people have experienced it at different times in their lives. It is very possible that the feeling you will experience when you hear God in the spirit may be a bit overwhelming; this is what people have often called "a religious experience." (Question 1 :24-25 "And when he has heard these things, his spirit will begin to swell within him, so that he will begin to believe; and then take him to a quiet place, and bid him sit, and be still, and think of Me, and he will hear Me in the spirit, and will feel My touch, so that he may be overcome by the joy of it. "For this is that which some feel when they kneel to pray to the false Gods of the Priests and Temples and Churches that know Me not; in their prayers, they rouse their sleeping spirits, and feel My touch, and believe, but the Priests count it as proof of their false god, and this is why so many never feel My touch again, and become biller and false. ")


Once you begin to hear God in the spirit, then you must start to exercise your spirit, to train it. God tells us that, just as a baby learns to use its hands, and to crawl and eventually walk, so do we need to learn to use the power he gave us in our spirits, so that it becomes a daily part of our lives. (Questions I :33-34 And the spirit is like a hand, or an arm, and must be trained to do your will; As a baby must learn to use its hand, so do you need to learn to use the power in your spirit. And power will be a daily part of your life, when you begin to listen in the spirit, and to know Me. For listening in the spirit will strengthen you in the spirit, and you will begin quickly to see your needs and desires fulfilled.)


How much power are we talking about? This is the very same power which Moses used to bring down the plagues upon Egypt and to part the Red Sea, the same power Jesus used to turn water into wine, to walk on water, to raise Lazarus from the dead, to heal the blind, the lame, the leper! This is the very power God used to create everything there is! (Questions I :33-34 And God said, "Every thought, of Man is heard by his spirit which is My Spirit, and is known to Me. Therefore, a man's thoughts of his needs and desires are his prayers. But miracles and answers to prayer come from his spirit, which has My Power. In this way did the great men of old do their wonders; in this way did Moses visit plagues on the Egyptians, and part the Red Sea, by the power of his spirit, Which is My Power. "And in the same way did Jesus heal the lame, the sick and the blind, turn the water into wine, and walk on the water, and do many other signs and wonders.")


This power is available to all of us! God assures us that we will all see our needs and desires fulfilled regularly, once we begin to listen in the spirit, and to know Him. (Messages 9: 10-I2 For listening in the spirit will strengthen you in the spirit, and you will begin quickly to see your needs and desires fulfilled. I do not say to you, as the Priests do, "Be patient and work long years to know God's will, and one day you will have faith and power." But test My words, listen in the spirit, call out for your needs and desires, and you will begin quickly to see your spirit grow stronger, and your power.)


But don't expect to do great wonders right away. Remember, the spirit must be trained. God tells us to begin like children, and to first ask for simple things, and when we are consistently seeing simple desires met, then to begin to ask greater things. (Questions 5:3-4 Tell them to begin as a child would begin, and to ask simple things, for this is the exercise of the spirit, and will make them grow in the spirit and in their knowledge of Me, so that each day they might ask more, and see it manifest. "And as they grow in knowledge of Me, so will their power in the spirit grow, and in not much time will some grow strong, and do great things, seeing their own needs and desires given, "and feeling My blessings by My Power in their spirits.)


Will all of us do miracles? No... God says that "some" will grow strong and do great things and wonders, but this is natural. As people, all of us have strengths and talents; likewise, in the spirit, some will be stronger than others, and to some it will be natural and easy, while the rest of us will struggle or see great power only intermittently. (Questions 5:4-6 And as they grow in knowledge of Me, so will their power in the spirit grow, and in not much time will some grow strong, and do great things, seeing their own needs and desires given, and feeling My blessing; by My Power in their spirits. "And also shall some do good works, helping others, and healing and many other wonders, so that the people will marvel at them and their good works, and; will come to learn of Me. "And many of the people will become very strong in the power of the spirit, which is My Power, and will do great things, which will be called miracles, and the Church will grow.")


Experience has shown me that we can indeed grow quickly in our knowledge of God, and when we begin to listen to Him in the spirit, to obey His One Law of Love, and exercise the spirit with simple requests, we will see His power in our daily lives... and that power, with love and with fellowship with others, will lead us to prosperity, success and Happiness!


Brothers and Sisters, my fellow children of Our Father God, I urge you to read the New Revelation of Truth and learn to hear God's Voice for yourself. You do not need me or anyone else to tell you what God is saying; He's more than capable of making Himself heard, once you learn and begin to listen.


May God bless you, as you embark on this most wonderful journey of all... a journey into true and full knowledge of God, our Father and Creator!

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