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Wayne Hicks was fifty-five years old when God called him to write the New Revelation of Truth, and had spent a large part of his adult life as a Christian Minister, Teacher, writer and  Singer. However, he'd become disillusioned with Christianity after seeing so much suffering in the world go unnoticed, or so it seemed, and renounced his faith in 2004. He turned his talents towards business, then, and was quite successful for some time.


Everything went well for three years, but then an issue with the IRS led to a crisis, and Wayne confessed to a tax-related offense. As a result of that confession, he was snetenced to five years in the US Federal Prison System.


Bitter and angry, he watched through the chains and fences of prison as he lost everything.


But "prison leaves you with plenty of time to think," he says, "and he began to notice things he'd never paid attention to before: patterns in his day-to-day life that semed too well organized, too intelligent, to be coincidental. He began to study them, looking for any clue to what might be causing them.


After several months of such study, he came to the inescapable conclusion that God--whom he had rejected--was calling out to him, and he finally closed his eyes, got very quiet, and began to listen.


It took him months to begin to truly understand what God was saying, but at last he knew that he was being called to serve God, Who then told him to write the words God would speak into his mind. For four months, he wrote a few lines every day, unwilling to write down a single word until he was sure it was the right one. On August 1st of 2010, he was shocked to see his own hand write the words that commanded him to found a Church to teach people about the New Revelation of Truth. He had no idea how God expected him to build a church from inside prison walls, but he obeyed, and God led, this website is only a part of the result.


He began sharing the New Revelation of Truth by reading it aloud to fellow inmates who were interested, right there in the prison where he was incarcerated. When he was transferred to another prison, he was able to share it again with men there. Another transfer, in April of 2012, took him to yet a third prison, where he and others began to hold regular meetings. There, he was able to type the New Revelation of Truth into a computer and print off copies to pass out. He shared them with several others, who formed the first Fellowship Congregation.


Other men began to join with him, and make studies of the New Revelation of Truth. Some of them may well be the ones who will take on the Evangelism of the New Revelation of Truth to the people, for God told Wayne, in Questions 4:5


5. "But you are not diminished, for on you I lay the mantle of leadership, and you will teach others to go and preach, and teach, and show the way, and they will learn from you.


Recently released from prison, Wayne is continuing his work for God in the free world. He has become a novelist, and many of his books are based on the theology found in the New Revelation of Truth, but he will also continue to write books and articles for this website and the Association for the New Revelation of Truth. He asks that you remember him in your prayers.

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