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8. And God said, "Look at the earth, and hear her groanings, and listen to the cries of men in their many nations.


9. For too long have false Priests held the reins of the hearts and minds of men, and many have turned away from them; secretly they weep in their despair, but hide behind a mask of smiles and false happiness.


10. "So great have Man's burdens become that he dies young, his flesh weakened by his despair and heartache and fear. His children kill each other daily, for they see no future on the earth, and risk death to try to fill needs of the spirit with pleasures of the flesh.


11."Man is sick in his flesh, and weak in his spirit, and cries out for peace.


12. "Now in this age is Man ready to learn of Me once more, and in this time, because of his despair, he will hear Truth, and will not permit Truth to be silenced.


If you look at a newspaper or watch a news program on television today, you see these words come to life daily. When people believe that there is no hope, then their lives lose all value, and we hear of murders, street violence, terrorism, suicides... Wayne learned these lessons firsthand, as he listened to his fellow prisoners: drug dealers, murderers, terrorists and even worse!


Today, God says, Man is ready. We've reached a point of despair, for if our natures are as evil as we've been taught for so long, then we can never be good enough to make it into Heaven, or even good enough for our own families and loved ones!


But our Creator, God our Father, is a loving God, and would not give us a nature that would make us unworthy of His Love! The only reason for such lies to be taught is to enslave men and women with fear and self-loathing, to make them struggle and punish themselves as they try to make sacrifices and offerings to atone for what they perceive as their own inherent evilness!


God loves each and every one of us, for we are His children! In Questions 1:27, we read:


27. And God answered, saying, "I am the God of Love and Compassion, and a Father to My children. Does the child need a savior or redeemer, to make him worthy to be the son of his father? No more do My children need to be saved, for they are already Mine, and are immortal, and will all return to Me at the appointed time, and none shall be lost to Me."


How wonderful it is to know that our Father loves us so much that He would never allow us to have fallen from His Grace, any more than we would allow our children to walk along the edge of a cliff!


Yes, the time for the New Revelation of Truth has certainly come. Won't you join us in taking its message to the world?

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